Sickend and Disheartened!


I just received word this morning that a dear friend of mine had his store broken into this past Thursday. They cut a hole in his store’s roof to enter. They ransacked the place and had pulled multiple prints of mine off the walls. They apparently had a lot of items stacked up and ready to take, including his computer, but something must have spooked them into leaving these items behind. My poor friend has had so many personal trials this year from health to family to business that he sure did not need this as well to add to this already difficult year. I don’t know everything that they took yet, but so far I found out that they stole my original painting of Timeless Grove Park. I spent around 550-600 hours creating this painting. How can someone feel they are entitled to deprive someone else of their livelihood? I am sure they would think a lot differently if it was done to them. I pray for my friend and that these criminals are caught. Please keep your eye out if you see this original painting anywhere. It was stolen from a store in the Solana Beach/San Diego area.